User Guide
Block Reference
Board Guide
Board Pinouts
Install MicroBlocks Firmware
Create a new Library
Translate MicroBlocks
Create an Activity Guide
WiFi Remote Control
Play Ringtones
Sensing and Data Tutorials
Dancing Robot
OctoStudio Controlled Robot
MazeRunner Game written with MicroBlocks for Adafruit CLUE
How Does Serial communications Work?
App Inventor
SNAP! Interactions
Communicate between micro:bit and Arduino with I2C
Run the MicroBlocks VM on Raspberry Pi
MicroBlocks IDE HTTP Server
Older Tutorials
Creating a Download Entry with an image
PicoBricks Board (RP2040 version)
PicoBricks Board (micro:bit version)
REX 8-in-1 Kit (ESP32 version)
MicroBlocks Activity Kit (classroom 10-pack)
The MicroBlocks Virtual Machine
The MicroBlocks IDE
Tone and Servo Support
HTTP requests from Snap!
GP Syntax